You Don’t Need To Hire An Expensive Landscaper. Use These Simple Tips Instead!

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Maybe you have thought about hiring a landscape designer to improve your garden. You may not realize that it’s less expensive and more enjoyable to do your own landscaping! Just take the time to do a little research, and you’ll be on your way. Keep on reading to learn what you can do yourself for your yard.

Invite wildlife into your garden. Birds, squirrels and butterflies can add beauty to a yard, and they will also benefit your plants. You can invite them into your yard by leaving out food, strategically placing bird feeders, and having sources of water spread throughout the garden. You will love watching the animals and listening to the birds every time you enter your garden.

If you are tired of seeing your beloved plants trampled by visitors, consider adding a footpath. Use brick, stone or wood to create a path that extends well beyond the boundaries of the area you wish to protect. A well-defined, wide path makes it clear which areas are safe as well as, which should not be trodden upon.

While it is common to use chemicals insecticides to ward off pests, many of them can cause harm to your plants. They best way to keep bugs away, is to grow plants that naturally repel bugs, or use a natural bug repellant like hot pepper spray, or dishwater on your plants.

Whenever you are taking on a landscaping project yourself, you should always take into account your plant’s water use. Whether you are using drought-tolerant plants or plants that are very lush and green, the amount of water they use will vary drastically. Make sure that you understand what your watering needs will be before selecting your plants.

Try to promote deep root growth with your lawn. You can accomplish this through proper fertilization and watering, thatch control, and keeping an eye on the height of your grass. By having deep root growth, you will not have to water your grass as often, and it is less likely to suffer from drought.

If your home is located in an arid part of the country, exercise caution when planting tall grasses in your yard. To reduce the risk of damage from wildfires, it is best to use short, grounded varieties of grass. If you absolutely must plant tall grasses, you should do so well over 100 feet away from your house.

Before you decide on a landscape plan, be sure to consider the amount of maintenance it will require. Depending on the plants you use and the climate you live in, you could need to water your lawn everyday. Additionally, some grasses may require you to cut your lawn more than once per week. Be sure you have the time to care for your new lawn.

Now you’re prepared to embark on your landscaping project. Congratulations on your first step! You probably just saved your wallet from spending too much money, and are on the path to a fun activity. Now you need to go forth and sculpt your yard according to your dreams, but don’t forget that doing so requires hard work.

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